Vietnam Weather in November

Vietnam Weather in November

Generally, Northern Vietnam becomes cooler and drier while the Centre and the South remain warm weather in November, the temperature sometimes can reach to 31°C. November is considered as the best time to visit Vietnam. The rain is starting to stop in coastal cities like Da Nang, Hue and Hoi An. The beaches of Phu Quoc, Phan Thiet and Mui Ne now return to their best with clear blue sky and sunshine. Thanks to the warm and dry weather, this month is also a good month to travel in Ho Chi Minh City and the Mekong Delta. The mountains of the north and Central Highlands are also in good conditions for outdoor activities and adventure tours.  For comprehensive travel assistance tailored to your preferences and destinations, consider reaching out to the best travel agency in Vietnam.

North Vietnam Weather in November

November is the best month to visit Hanoi and southern Vietnam.
November is the best month to visit Hanoi and southern Vietnam.

Say goodbye to hot and humid summer, Northern provinces and cities in the north are at their best in November. The weather is most comfortable in a moderate temperature with infrequent and light rain (average temperature: 24°C). In the far north, the weather in mountainous areas like Sapa and Ha Giang is dry and clear promising the good conditions for hiking as well as adventure tours.

Central Vietnam Weather in November

Dalat and Central Highlands are at good conditions with clear blue sky and less rain
Dalat and Central Highlands are in good conditions with the clear blue sky and less rain

In November, Central Vietnam is at its peak of rainfall with heavy storms sometimes. The temperatures in the provinces and cities behind Hai Van Pass differ with the weather of the far north (average temperature: 23°C - 25°C). Further south, Nha Trang and several coastal cities will be seeing with high rainfall accounting for nearly a half of total annual rainfall of two months October and November. Dalat and Central Highlands are at good conditions with the clear blue sky and less rain expected.

South Vietnam Weather in November

November is a good time to visit Ho Chi Minh City and Mekong Delta
November is a good time to visit Ho Chi Minh City and the Mekong Delta

South Vietnam is welcoming the summer back in November with its glory days of the best weather of the year, thanks to the clear blue sky and a drop in humidity making the nice time for traveling in Ho Chi Minh City and provinces in Mekong River Delta (average temperature: 27°C). The coastal provinces and cities, as well as beaches of Phu Quoc, Phan Thiet and Mui Ne, have good weather with clear blue sky and sunshine most of the days.

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