Halong Bay

Halong Bay

Welcome to Vietnam and immerse yourself in the sublime and captivating beauty of natural landscape, the biodiversity of culture and architecture as well as rich cuisine. If you are planning a trip to Vietnam, Halong Bay is one of the most optimal choices that would meet visitors’ expectations of exploring the nature. With a trip to Halong Bay, you can experience as many exciting things as possible, thereby making your time in this S-shaped land unforgettable.
Officially recognized by the UNESCO as World Heritage Sitebin 1994 and listed as one of the seven wonders in 2012, there are countless things offered by charming and elegant Halong bay. One of the most attractive things about this magnificent place lies in its history and legendary.

History and legendary

Halong means Descending Dragon. Legend has it that in the past when Vietnam was invaded by foreign enemies, luckily Vietnamese people were supported by Mother Dragon and her Child Dragons sent by the Jade Emperor. A lot of pearls emitted from dragons’ mouths turned to countless islands. When invaders’ boats attacked the islands, they crashed into the islands and broke into small pieces, which created a strategic battle to help the Vietnamese win the battle. After Vietnamese people gained the victory, the dragons stayed on the bay and the place that Mother Dragon landed is known as Halong Bay at the contemporary time.

Best of Halong Bay

Spreading over an area of 43,400 hectares with a broad collection of 1,600 islands and islets, the whole area is highlighted by spectacular limestone pillars with unique geological formation.

Geological formation
Experience a long history interfered with marine degradation, mountain emerging and sinking and so on, Halong Bay is a typical emblem of Karst period of erosion and development. Therefore, Halong Bay today is the home to splendid marine limestone accumulation. All contributes to the multicolor picture of the magnificent seascape of Halong Bay that you cannot find from traveling elsewhere.

Natural landscape
Come to visit Halong Bay, you will be mesmerized with the stunning beauty of this area represented by a perfect combination of sublime limestone islands and islets rising from the sea in various shapes and sizes, picturesque arches and caves as well as ideal and favorable weather condition with refreshingly cool weather, which makes it one of the best places to pay a visit.
There are some highlights that should not be missed in Halong Bay

Dau Go Cave
Amongst best amazing places, Dau Go Cave is extremely worth a visit. Visitors will be first overwhelmed by the cave entrance with the unique shape of a jellyfish with a collection of stunning stalagmites as well as stalactites. Continue your journey with a discovery into the marvelous picture of the cave interior shaped with amazing light and stalactites creating a creepy feeling. It is such an interesting place that would satisfy any travelers.

Bai Chay Beach
Another no less interesting place to adopt a visit is Bai Chay Beach. Spreading along the coast of Halong Bay, Bai Chay beach is gaining its ever-increasing popularity for being a large and fascinating beach. Surrounded by uninterrupted green casuarinas and endless expanses of white sandy beach, coupled with comfortable atmosphere Bai Chay has become an ideal destination for obtain full relaxation, thereby helping you live to the fullest. Moreover, do not forget to spend time exploring Hoang Gia Park as well as try sea motorcycling.

Thien Cung Cave
Situated in the southwest of Halong Bay, Thien Cung Cave spreads over an area of 10,000 square kilometers. The picturesque cave makes a deep impression on visitors for complex structure and high ceiling. The cave is famous for wonderful picture of stalagmites and a giant natural rock pillar. This is such a memorable experience for those coming to explore the natural landscape blessed by Mother Nature.

Exciting and adventurous activities
Besides amazing caves and natural landscape, you should also gain your first-hand experience of take part in exciting and adventurous activities when visiting Halong Bay. Remember to take a cruise trip around the bay to have a closer look to limestone formations, amazing cliffs and grottoes as well as floating village. Moreover, there are myriad interesting water sports including diving and kayaking in order to get the taste of the whole landscape.

How to get there?

Located in Quang Ninh Province, there are many ways to approach Halong Bay. If you travel by car, you are advised to move along Highway 18. From Hanoi, if you take cruise trips, you will be transferred from your hotel to the pier, which will takes you at least 4 hours to reach the destination.
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