Cua Dai Beach

Cua Dai Beach

If you are looking for an ideal getaway to escape from the hustling and bustling atmosphere of busy streets in big cities, head to Cua Dai Beach – one of the most beautiful beaches in Hoi An. For sure, you can obtain ultimate experience to live your life to the fullest.


Nestled in Cam An ward, Hoi An town, Quang Nam Province, Cua Dai Beach lies at the intersection point of the three rivers including Thu Bon River, De Vong River and Truong Giang River, With a length of 7 kilometers, it is regarded as one of the most stunning beaches in Hoi An which attracts millions of visits annually.

Cua Dai Beach’s highlights

What does Cua Dai Beach have to offer? There are myriad highlights that make it stand out of the crowd. The charm and attractiveness of this beach lie in sublime beauty of endless expanses of sandy beaches, crystal blue water coupled with interesting sounds of water ripples. Along with that, you will find it hard to resist the perfect atmosphere here with refreshingly cool weather surrounded by palm trees, which makes it ideal for having a stroll along sandy beaches.

There is nothing quite like immerse in sparkling sunshine in sandy shores and feel the light breeze carrying salty taste of the giant sea. For sure, your need and expectation would be met as you can get refreshing and relaxing feelings. Therefore, Cua Dai Beach, with no doubt, is a perfect option for those who prefer a slow pace of life as a stretching sandy beach where you can lie down and welcome the sparkle ray of sunshine; hear the sound of sea waves and the whisper of wind.

Things to do in Cua Dai Beach

One of the most exciting things to do in Cua Dai Beach is to have a walk along the beach at night. Cua Dai Beach becomes much more beautiful than ever at night with a sparkling beauty. Do not forget to indulge in mouth-watering local specialties namely fresh seafood, grilled dried squid and so on, all with reasonable prices. It would be a perfect meal with a collection of fresh seafood including grilled tiger prawns and steamed mullet, roasted salted crab and baked clams with lemon salt accompanied with well-known vegetables of Tra Que delicacies as well as famous wine from Phuoc Trach.

Owning unique characteristics, Cua Dai Beach provides serene and tranquil atmosphere in order for you to feel relaxing moments. At that time, all worries and tiresome of daily lives will be totally erased and you will be filled with energy instead.

Cua Dai Beach has an ideal location as from here, you can visit other nearby attractions encompassing Kim Bong carpentry village, Phuoc Kieu bronze village or Thanh Ha pottery village to have an insight into the tradition and culture of each as well as buy products as souvenirs.

Cua Dai Beach is gaining its ever-increasing popularity to be one of the best places to visit in Hoi An. Do not hesitate to plan a trip to this wonderful land. You will be not only mesmerized with spectacular landscape but also well treated by hospital, amiable, friendly and highly cultured people. For sure, you would definitely want to return someday. For a hassle-free and secure exploration of Vietnam, reputable travel agency in Vietnam can provide valuable insights into local practices, ensuring a safe and enjoyable travel experience.

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