How To Behave Well In Vietnam

Each country has its own lifestyle and etiquette that make it distinct and unique. Vietnamese lifestyle, with no doubt, has myriad unknown things to overseas visitors. Gain first-hand experience of exploring Vietnamese culture in general and lifestyle, in particular, will help you have a deeper understanding of this S-shaped country, thereby making your trip become more enjoyable. So, do you know what are do and don’t things in Vietnam? Here, Vietnam local tour operator is going to share with you a list of things that you should or shouldn’t do to behave well in Vietnam.

Taking photo

When traveling to any region in the world, most of us often take photo of everything from the natural landscape, activities, country’s product and even local people. However, Vietnamese people are often unhappy if you take photos of them without their permission. Especially, in rural ethnic village or military, taking photos in these places seem an unpleasant thing to do and is considered to be intrusive and disturbing by the local people. Therefore, ask people’s permission before taking their pictures.

Little Vietnamese children


Vietnam has a reputation for a rich food culture that ranks Vietnamese foods among the best ones in south-east Asia. When traveling to Vietnam, there are certain things that you should bear in mind involving Vietnamese eating culture to know what you should or shouldn’t do. If you have a chance to eat with local people, it’s the rule that the oldest people will start to eat first and followed by the younger. This is a way to show respect and love to older people.


In Vietnam, there exist certain rules about banning smoking in public places. The adverse effects of smoking are obvious, so you should remember not to smoke where there are a lot of people. For instance, that you smoke at restaurants will affect other people because they have to endure tobacco smoke while enjoying food and drink. This is extremely disrespectful. Therefore, it is very necessary to accept the custom of the country we are visiting.

Temple and pagoda culture

As a matter of fact, Vietnam experienced a long history with its own distinct traditional customs of thousands of years. Most visitors to Vietnam are impressed by a myriad number of old temples, churches, pagodas. These places are used for praying, worshiping and showing respect for ancestors. For a long time, the existence of these places has become an indispensable site in the spiritual life of Vietnamese people. If you are interested in exploring this spiritual culture and pay a visit to these sacred places, remember not to wear shorts, skirts or short dresses when going to temples or pagodas because these kinds of clothing are considered to be rude and unrespectable.

Nhi Phu Temple in Ho Chi Minh City

In short, each country has its own unique cultural identity. To have a perfect trip to any country, it is vital to have background knowledge about the Vietnam lifestyle, custom and etiquette of that country. Hope that this guide can help you in understanding more about Vietnam.

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